The Right Kind of Experience
To Get the Job Done

Corporate Investigations

Steel Security Corporation provides professional risk-management and investigative services to business entities, as well as to individuals. The principal has assembled a team of associates with the skill set to match your specific need. There are three areas of special expertise that could benefit your company: Conflict Resolution; Complaint Investigation; and Government Compliance.

Conflict Resolution

In the competitive environment of business, it is not unusual for personalities to clash. In fact, conflict may be the by-product of a healthy corporate environment. But when conflict becomes warfare, an adept executive intervenes. When you need the assistance of a professional conflict coach, Steel Security Corporation has a professional alliance with The Rees Institute.

Dr. Dan Rees, Ph.D., professor emeritus, has thirty-five years of experience assisting government and corporate leaders in identifying, vetting, and managing high risk, and problematic, employees. Dr. Rees uses an applied approach to understanding human relations and resolving internal corporate conflict. After an acute conflict is resolved, Steel Security Corporation may recommend that your company consider in-service instruction, management coaching seminars or a team-building seminar through The Rees Institute. Over the past three years, Dr. Rees has developed and implemented human performance-based programs for various special forces units throughout the United States which can translate into an exceptional presentation for your staff.

Any business of scale will inevitably suffer complaints from within and without the company. Some complaints are by nature so serious that a company has a duty to its shareholders to promptly and competently investigate the facts, identify key witnesses and document the incident. Occasionally, a corporate principal is suspected of fraud or embezzlement. The foundation of this type of investigation is a combination of absolute discretion and exemplary investigative skill. Steel Security Corporation uses a team of retired federal law enforcement agents, as well as former state and local law enforcement officers, to establish the truth and deliver the unvarnished facts to the chief corporate principal.

Steel Security Corporation's team of associates includes experienced forensic investigators in the field of international money laundering. Because such investigations are usually undertaken by a business leader who shares the information only on a "need to know" basis, the resumes of the investigators are not shared on this public portal.

Complaint Investigation

Government Compliance

As your business grows, the demands of new revenue models, changes in technologies, and complexities of interstate business and compliance with federal contracts sometimes call for an independent audit of business practices and well-documented compliance with federal, state, or local law. Steel Security Corporation is associated with skilled attorneys with decades of experience in federal and state courts, and administrative agencies, including the IRS, DOD, and DOJ. If you feel the need to protect your company by reviewing its compliance with government regulation, Steel Security Corporation can provide you with the expert assistance the adept executive requires.

Customized to your needs

If the corporate principal requires a written report of the investigation for delivery to others, including investigative agencies, the report will be professional, polished, complete, authoritative, and well-documented. The bottom line is this; when your company needs an outside neutral with discipline, experience and integrity, your first call ought to be to Steel Security Corporation.